Rumors about Moto G5 and Moto G5 Plus were taking place among all tech websits and On Thursday, a press render of the alleged Moto G5 Plus leaked just days after some live images landed on the Internet. It seems that the wait is finally over and Lenovo ay unviel this phone in it's MWC event in next month.
According to CNET, Lenovo has been sending out invites for a February 26 event. The invite supposedly shows a Moto device with a shadow in the shape of Barcelona's Sagrada Familia with the 'Hello Moto' tagline at the bottom. This almost certainly means that Lenovo is heading to the MWC 2017 in Barcelona.
According to CNET, Lenovo has been sending out invites for a February 26 event. The invite supposedly shows a Moto device with a shadow in the shape of Barcelona's Sagrada Familia with the 'Hello Moto' tagline at the bottom. This almost certainly means that Lenovo is heading to the MWC 2017 in Barcelona.
Moto G5 and G5 Plus all set to be unveiled at Lenovo's MWC Event
Reviewed by Mike Ross
1/16/2017 10:08:00 AM
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